Monday, February 7, 2011

Tales from the Crypt

While you were sleep the CSRD staff and Directors a working into the long hours by candle light drafting up bylaws and changes to make your life better. Much, much better…. Come into the crypt and read what we have been doing……….
On Feb the 3rd the Electorial Directors sat down to discuss some changes and introductions of bylaws and other things. We looked at; Why is there a need for a soil removal bylaw?, a Noise Bylaw- how can we properly enforce it (the CSRD did have a noise bylaw in 1998). As well as the Marine Noise bylaw (created in 1982) its effectiveness is nil for a variety of reasons. How can we deal with measuring the noise level? The intent is that the bylaw is to deal with loud party noises later at night. A decision on how many Electoral Area Directors (EAD) members could go to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities convention (FMC) in Halifax. A Fire Service Operational Criteria Bylaw change to update the bylaw produced 11 years ago. It gives direction to what the Fire services Coordinators (Jack Blair) responsibilities are. As well it lays out what Fire Chiefs responsibilities and duties are. Changes to the Property Tax for Water Systems from external properties (from the water system area) wanting to buy into a system, from outside the area. To many water systems are coming to the CSRD to take them over. A limit of engineering assessments 3 at any one time has been decided upon.  Fireworks Bylaw 509  has re-defined definitions for the bylaw, it is used only in areas “C” &”F” only.  Special Events Bylaw will be only for areas “D”. “C” & “F” it is at the request of the RCMP and they will be enforcing the bylaw.      
Agricultural Advisory Committees if created, what method of gaining input can be used to the CSRD. SLIPP funding from the CSRD. Thanks to the efforts of  Ted Bacigalupo a formula was created for funding the Shuswap Lake Integrated Planning Process (SLIPP). And SCADA by now you are drooling with expection, tell me more….. ahhh the first one is free you now have to pay for more information!!!

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