The proposed Noise Bylaw created concerns as how we can effectively enforce the bylaw (the CSRD did have a noise bylaw in 1998). It was removed because it could not be properly enforced. As well as a Marine Noise bylaw (created in 1982) its effectiveness is nil for a variety of reasons. How can we deal deciding what is an inappropriate noise level? The intent is that the bylaw is to deal with ongoing loud party noises, late in the night. It seems in some places people buy homes just to party, the surrounding neighbours are used to sleeping those hours. It was suggested that areas of recurring noise problems could have the CSRD bylaw officer deal with offenders, in some situations. The RCMP is very supportive of this bylaw and would likely be the main enforcement of the noise bylaw. The CSRD involvement would be to firstly educate the residents that there is a bylaw and it is enforceable. Secondly if there is a property the repeatedly creates noise after hours the CSRD bylaw officer would warn them. Persistent complaints would result in a ticket if the noise continued a high fine would be applied to the property owner. The resulting income from the fines could be used to recover enforcing the CSRD’s bylaws. Using the Municipal Ticketing Information System (MTI) is an effective and cheap way to enforce the bylaw and would likely be used. If this bylaw was accepted it would only be in North & South Shuswap.
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