Saturday, February 19, 2011

hired hands

A joke told by a Director..maybe you had to be there to enjoy it; A story of old Mac 88 years old and his wife just died a few months ago. A director met him and asked how he was doing “oh not to bad” he says. The Director asks “so what are you going to do now, with your life change”. “Oh” says old Mac “I have a new bride” The director thinks “oh my! This is quick and interesting!”  He inquires “How old is she “Ole Mac slowly response, “ahh…about  27 years old”. The Director thinking this might be a problem  and tries to get Mac to think harder about the consequences but not wanting to outright tell him, suggest;  “maybe you should get a help and get a hired hand” (thinking that he might get some help from his young hired hand for the new bride also!)”.  Mac thinks it is a good idea and will look into it. May months later the director meets up with old Mac again and is very interested in what has transpired again He parlays to Old Mac who is looking pretty good; ‘how is it going, Mac?” and Old Mac says, “oh pretty good my wife is pregnant”. The Director, being very surprised and thinking this has got to be pretty good and that somehow the hired hand has had a hand in all of this and asks;  “ and how is the hired hand?”  “Yes”, thanks for the suggestion it worked really quite well”   Mac says “however, the hired hand  is also pregnant!” 

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