Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is it nailed down?? B & E's far too numerous!

                North Shuswap Safety & Police Advisory Committee met with the RCMP to discuss how Citizens on Patrol (COP) could be started in the North Shuswap. At one time there was a COP program but volunteer burn out help collapse the group. With the increase in crime on the North Shuswap, people are seeing the need to be more proactive. Last year saw at least 5 different criminal groups come into the area ripping off residents and businesses.  It is going to get worse before it gets better,  and the RCMP needs help.  The RCMP would greatly appreciate the citizens to be their eyes and ears, as they have a very large area to cover and few members to police the area.
                If enough people join the COP, it could be arranged that a person would only have to volunteer 1 day a month to do patrols in the North Shuswap.  Presently the plan is to have an open house in March to see if people in the region want to do something about the growing crime in their area.

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