Saturday, February 26, 2011

Looking inside out

A CSRD Board retreat in the last two days had 10 of us discussing relationships between the Board members and how can we improve them (the relationships- improving the members would be a lot more difficult!). In looking at relationships with each other, questions arose; are we a team or we something else.  The way the Regional Districts are set up (by legislation) insists that we do not work together as a team. In the end we do work together and do get things done (sometimes) but it is not necessarily in a team setting.
                Regional Districts could be better described as a loose federation where we do work together for the betterment of the CSRD but we have our own areas self interest at heart. This is different than a municipality where the council and mayor would not have a variety of community self interests. In general they would all have the municipalities’ best interests at heart.  Regional Districts are more like an orchestrated model than a team sports model.
                Words of Wisdom for local government representatives were; “Never make assumptions”, “Never attribute malice to another person’s actions or words.  A majority of the time there is misunderstanding or stupidity that appears to be intended malice”. “
Very few people understand how regional districts work. This would include; the Province, municipalities and the residents in Regional Districts”. It was agreed amongst all the Board members that the CSRD work harder to bring understanding of the CSRD to all residents.  
                We were reminded that we cannot keep everyone happy with the delivery of services. As well when at the Board table every yes signifies a “NO” to something else when making decisions. It all costs money and if you give money to one thing you cannot give it to all good the projects that come to a Regional Director.
                Sitting, talking and chatting in the beautiful wood setting of the Quaoout Lodge with the other Directors  was a welcomed way of taking off the edge of our typically business rapport.  

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