Sunday, February 27, 2011

EAD meeting SCADA Systems

                The Environment and Engineering Dept. provided an update and demonstration of the new SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) which is a means to monitor and control processes remotely. The CSRD's Water Acquisition Strategy identifies SCADA as a critical water system upgrade. In 2009 Area C and F Directors were approached for funding through their community works fund to complete SCADA upgrades on the Saratoga, Eagle Bay and Cedar Heights water systems as well as the main office, with their support it was brought to the board and approved. At the time all other CSRD water systems had upgrade projects underway that would include SCADA.
This upgrade allows CSRD staff and operations contractors to access information through a remote computer (located anywhere) that previously was only available with a site visit(flows, pressures temperatures, chlorine dose, turbidity, pumps on and off, alarms, etc). This system also allows changes to be made over the computer for example if a high chlorine alarm calls out the system operator they can adjust the chlorine dose through the computer without leaving their home. This allows better monitoring of CSRD water systems at a reduced cost, for example at Saratoga the operator used to attend the site 3 to 4 times per week with SCADA this has been reduced to a single visit. This is a powerful tool to not only help the operators monitor and control the systems but also to help keep costs down. 

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