Originally there was a ground water study proposal in 1996. It was started because the soils did not allow for good attenuation of septic effluent. There was a sporadic groundwater study conducted from 1997 to 2007 in Anglemont. There is now 13 years of tested water quality data for the Anglemont area to refer to.
The study was done on August 11, 2010 using 6 monitoring wells on of which one had to be re-drilled because the original site was destroyed. The approximate sites are; near the Lakeview Center, near the Lakeview Center CSRD Park, Lonneke Trail, Vickers Trail (near Estate Drive), one up the end of upper Vickers Trail near Hudson Trail and near the end of Airport Drive. The water was sampled for pH, Conductivity, Temperature, oxidization-reduction potential, hardness, alkalinity, anions (bromide, chloride, fluoride and sulfate), nutrients (ammonia, nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and phosphorus). Escherichia coli (E. coli) Fecal Coliform and dissolved metals. There are also about 9 MoE ground water wells sites in Anglemont which are not part of this study. MoE tests those wells separately from the CSRD water testing.
Three wells exceeded the guideline water qualities of Canada and one of those wells had a probable surfacing of effluent near the monitoring well. All of the wells except one have micro biological elevated levels. The source contamination is unclear, it could be septic systems or it could be also runoff water. Groundwater levels in Anglemont have decreased by about 1.2 meters in the last 14 years.
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