Changes to Local Government elections were talked about on the last day of the BC Electoral Area Directors meetings. A joint committee was made between BC & UBCM consensus decisions were made from all the input that was given to them. The feedback was; 10,374 opinions and 920 written submissions; to what changes to election act should be established. Local Governments(LG), BC wide business groups, area associations, labour, election experts, academics, school trustees and the official opposition; had all put in their opinions on how to change the elections act. There were 31 recommendations most focused accountability; such as Campaign financing and a separate act for local campaign finance dealing with transparency rules, Expenses and limits on candidates, elector organizations and 3rd party advertisers,. Transparency rules for 3rd party advertiser and disclosures and having sponsorship information on advertising. Changes to sponsorship must now have the name of sponsor, authorization contact information has to be on the signs including last previous election signs. Anonymous contributions will be prohibited, passing the hat is ok but it must record contributor information. There must be also be discloser of contributions over a 100.00. An anonymous contribution received has to be turned over to Local Government and a disclosure form filled out on how you handled that contribution. Campaign finance disclosure statements must be provided in 90 days at the end that time LG staff notifies those who have not filed. 30 day grace period after the 90 days. So long as it is accompanied by the 500.00 late filing fees!
Role of elections BC
- Certify publish/keep finance disclosure statements
- review finance disclosure statements
- Manage enquires, complaints, investigations regarding finance disclosures
- Local CEO’s continue to enforce rules during campaign & receive campaign finance disclosure statements.
Expense Limits-Have to be high enough to work in different communities that they should have neutral effect, so people will run. Reasonable limits are considered to be a “base plus per capita formula” and higher amounts for mayoral candidates.
Guides will be available in late spring/early summers- votes, candidates, elector organization& advertising, and supporting a candidate guide. Last election signs would have to value with some depreciation but included in the cost of running an election. Social Media and its effects on the election process, things like blogs; they are personal opinions not considered to be election advertising.
Work continues- develop legislations, prepare guidelines and education materials. For more information go to the Website;