Liquor-primary license applications bylaw currently says that the CSRD will not comment on liquor applications but wishes to be advised of applications. Formal participation in the application process would require some allocation of staff time to review the initial application. As well as the advertising for public comment, review of any responses and the development of a recommendation brought to the Board for consideration. The Board decided against that it is important to have local input towards the change in liquor license that it be sufficient that they contact the CSRD when applications are made. A letter will be sent to the BCLCB to ask that they contact us about applications.
Restructuring the costs of what CSRD functions pay for has caused a new look at the Administration charges to users of that function. The Administration Charges to specific CSRD functions for overhead, fees and how those functions are charged were changed. Directors agreed that insufficient overhead costs are being rolling back to General Government costs. Committees believe that the administration fees are too high (for their committees). Administration charges will now be readjusted to allocate General Government costs to reflect actual use of the functions. These changes will have the Municipal Board Members (at 80%) and Electoral Areas(at 18%) paying towards the General Government funds, in a more equitable way. These costs will be reviewed annually and will be in the previous year's budget unless there is a significant change to the function. The amendment will also provide a better understanding of the overall impact of budget decisions to CSRD committees (such as water and fire department).
The "St. Lves Street Lighting Specified Area" bylaw was established in 1985". There is a need to change the amount of money to keep the street lights working. Costs have steadily gone up over the years for street lighting. The maximum amount of money that may be requisitioned annually for the St Ives Street lights will be brought up to $2,750.
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