Saturday, March 12, 2011

More on SLIPP meeting- beginnings

Shuswap Lake Integrated Planning Process (SLIPP) started in 2006 with a houseboat tour of all the government agencies together and Local Government types discussing the health of the Shuswap Lake. What amazed everyone on the tour, as I remember it was  that the lake was being negatively impacted by incremental steps. As well it seemed that government was powerless and the agencies are too singly involved; to solve the problems of the lake on a holistic level. It was then generally agreed to that the agencies would try working together to start solving those impacts to the lake. Hence the need for a body, to manage these different organizations together and SLIPP came into being. In 2008 a strategic plan was created and finally in 2010 an interim governance piece and funding model was created. As well Ted Bacigalupo in frustration without getting financial support for SLIPP from different political bodies, found a way of using the federally funded tax money for the EADs to help fund SLIPP. Ted has been instrumental in getting this process underway as well has been the largest payer into SLIPP.   Three main concerns were brought about the lake they are; Development, Recreational use conflict (public safety) and of course Water quality. The laws are complicated with jurisdictions across all levels of government having different controls on the lake and adjacent lands.  The agencies needed to get a sense of what happening on the lake and a strategic plan as well as public involvement was needed. The public had 1,200 words of input put in at meetings and other communications. The Public needs to be heard and SLIPP needs to continue engage the public. In other words the public needs to be a big part of the SLIPP process and it is recognized as so.

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