Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Leadership Forum – for EAD’s

               at the EAD meeting in Richmond we had; Major Naheed Nenshi; the new Mayor from Calgary reflected on his election and leadership style.  His use of the social media was pivotal in communicating with his electorate and winning the election. In the social media there’s almost a hyper/ evangelical type of responders in the engagement on both sides of an issues. Often we hear from the loudest voices, the internet brings a balance that is not just for those with axes to grind. When dealing with issues, try to find partners – other people on the other side of the fence (with a different outlook on the issues), most important is, be authentic about when dealing with public concerns. As public representatives we often think the moral or right thing to do is the right way to go; even when a majority your electorate does not want to go in that direction? We as politicians have democratic expectation that is to do what people want.  Of course one should do what the majority of people want done even though it is wrong; this is more important do even if they are wrong.  In Calgary there were 19 people running for mayor’s seat and only 2 who were clearly insane. Naheed laid out the strategy that was needed to turn this into a race that was between 19 to 3 people.   Politicians should temper the expectations of the public; we cannot do everything for everyone.

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