Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hydro future for us

BC Hydro had public meeting in Vernon to ask 5 questions about planning of our electrical future use from the public.
1)      How do you think we should improve our conservancy & efficiency to reduce use of electricity to meet the demands of  power into the future.
2)      What sources of power or a mixture of sources would we use to support the power demands of the future. They are;  Run of the river hydro, Biomass, wind,  Hydro-electric with storage(such as Site C), Natural gas, and Emerging Technologies, such as tidal and wave.  Interestingly Nuclear energy was not included apparently and use of nuclear is Legislated not to be used in BC.
3)      Using other sources of fuel sources to electricity such as cars going from petroleum to electric or switching heating from natural gas to electricity. This is called Electrification and is one of the ways BC plans to support the reduction in greenhouse gases. Produced from the Province.
4)      The need for Transmission corridors and links to carry the power needs of the future; where would they go and how would they be built. The transmission lines take a long time to put in because of the agreements and requirements as well constructing the lines after all those expectations have been answered.
5)      Export market potential – BC sells electricity when it has a short term surplus, it could go further down this trail and be come a net exporter of electricity. Someone brought up the point that this could be a very dangerous road to go down. If we sell electricity as a net exporter, the trade GATT Federal Regulations could tie us into a situation we do not want to be in.
This was a very informative meeting along with the Workbook gives an excellent over view of how electricity is accessed and the options available. It is the first time that BC Hydro has done such a consultative process in BC. Just as well; this is a very important step in the history of BC and we should all respond.  
                To respond by giving feed back;  go to: 
                You need information to make your decision; to get the work book (it is 5.6 Mb)  go to:
                All this information hinges on the fact that there is a need for more power generation and there is another side to this. Normally I would not include the “naysayers” but this report is from UCB, SFU, UNBC and U Vic  are seemingly trustworthy sources. It is long- but the only way I know how to get it out. N2UwNTMtZTY1Ni00MzViLTg0MGMtZmY3MTkxN2QyMjk3&hl=en

If you go to my blog ( the address will be there and you can copy and paste it on the https bar. 

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