Sunday, March 6, 2011

How to get your way and their way....

                In Local Government (LG) often there are challenges with one or more parties. At times it will be between the Board members, the public, special interest groups, or other government agencies. The conference was how to understand some the basics of negotiation. This sort of thing would be useful in all the dealings with government and the community as well as at home.
INTEREST BASED NOGATION for LOCAL GOVERNEMENTS this is about enhancing capacity to negotiate by using problem solving. There is no one way to negotiate; often it is experimenting while the negotiating is going on.  We as human beings get in positions of disagreement; politicians are prone more than most to find themselves in these positions.
Issues: any means of solving what is the problem, we deal with difference.  
The word conflict broken down into; Con) together) flict (strike)- striking together; it is a difference of goals, expectations, values or objectives these situations are going on all the time. Conflict exists in different states; it is not always fully expressed, they are latent (under the surface) to emerge and become fully expressed which results in a dispute. At this point are the people willing to tackle their differences and do they have the skills (or the knowledge) to solve the problems created by the dispute.  
Dispute can resolved in different ways: negotiation, mediations (assisted by a third party), legal (bringing it to a judge) and legislate.  In mediation the solution is solved by the parties themselves. Out comes in mediations, are more agreeable and will last longer; then when people are told
In Negotiating there is:
-             No cost
-          May create more information that either party may or may not have thought of.
-          Both people arrive at that solution so it is accepted.
-          Finds the underlining position- brings out the main issue.
-          Learn about each other’s position (communication is open).
-          Soften their barriers.

There needs to have some if not of these qualities when negotiating; give and take, potential for conformism, to get a deal, common problem, goals that similar to each other and position of common respect It can influence the unlocking of positions where  people are preoccupied and not interested in not opening up. Other qualities are:
-           Transparency, honesty, integrity, willing to disclose  
-          Build trust and shows common sense
-          Willingness to negotiate /resolve issues.
-          Willing to going back to the problem and looking at it.
-          Buffet of possibilities.
-          Negotiation is the first cut- at problem solving.
-          Parties need to own the problem and invest in negotiation.
-          Remember body language;
50% is how you use your body language 40% is voice tone 10% in actual material. Much of it is reacting to the other person.

Ø  Reasoning
Ø  Strategy to gain something
Ø  Decision making is made with the parties
Ø  Relies on communication= information sharing, reasoning, persuasion, explanation, education.
Ø  Purpose to makes gains/achieve
Ø  Mutually accepted decisions
Ø  Lacks process
Ø  Potential preserve/enhance relation ships
Ø  Diversity of processes and approaches.
Older experienced successful politicians do not get into personalities or use past history when negotiating.
Whatever we deal in our negotiation; it is how we relate the person this is how we start relating with the other side in the negotiation. It is best to have access to a; Best Alternative to Agreement & a Worst Alternative to an Agreement, risk analysis.
People can take positions by; - representing an idea, point of view outcomes and fundamental interests.  The parties involved must have the building blocks below expressed and understand the same for the other parities.
-          Needs
-          Desires
-          Concerns
-          Fears
-          Hopes


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