Monday, March 28, 2011

Citizens On Patrol Eyes & Ears for Police

The RCMP support  can be quite extensive for COP, especially as they grow, such as; training programs, speed watch (they have a speed board available), most wanted and stolen car lists (lists can be down loaded and accessible to COP) and insurance coverage and though discouraged. RCMP response time to COP reports could be faster (depending on the crime being reported)not with standing  the importance of what the officers are currently busy at. This is where the COP real shines; it is  the information the COP give to the RCMP; which could bring them out faster or save them time by not coming out to a situation that is not so important. An example was; if there are people yelling at each other the police would not likely come unless they had the time. If they were yelling and being physically abusive or weapons came out; suddenly that becomes a top priority and they would likely come out to that incident. It is all about priorities and time management, for the police.  It was made abundantly clear that COP is just the ears and eyes of the police not to do anything further.  In the situation where over an exuberant COP member gets out of line they can be removed. In one of the officers 15 years of experience with COP- that has only happened once, it is a rare case that this happens at all. The policies that the RCMP has for are generally well embraced by COP members.  Another spin off of being a COP is that you get to know the RCMP members and creates a more personal relationship.  It creates a trust between the police and the public.

                There was much discussion on if the whole North Shuswap should be patrolled or just certain areas. These are start up issues and it was decided to iron them out after the North Shuswap COP was formed. The area generally covered would be from Adams River Bridge to St Ives although COP can be flexible to change those boundaries. There was no one there from Adams River or Seymour Arm to put input into if they wanted to be involved.  There have been many requests from residents who are not here all year around and if they can be part of the North Shuswap COP. Much of the policing are done in the summer time and they would be welcomed. Part time participants would also have to get a record check by the RCMP, easy enough to do and it has to be done yearly.
                COP can morph into other community support functions. A very effective method used on other lakes in BC has been giving information about safe boating at public boat launches. What often happens is that boaters; launching their boats would be made aware of the safety issues of driving on the lake. They would be reminded to be safety conscious, sometimes that is all it takes is a reminder;  to save a life. COP could start and be part of a campaign to bring safety back to our lakes. Speaking of boats the RCMP is getting to pick up a new police vessel with the proper capabilities to patrol the Shuswap Lake.  It will go 60 mph, has radar is about 7 meters long has a wheel house and chart /plotting capabilities. It will have much better capabilities with dealing with lake enforcement issues.  

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