Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ice skates,boat launchs, trails

         Parks meeting at the Celista Hall; volunteers from the Farrell’s Field came to discuss the progress at the ice rink and future plans. As well they requested; for some funds for maintenance and machinery. They have visions that the area could be used for a year around park. Security at the Parks this summer was discussed as if it should be continued or not. If Citizens On Patrol is created this could have a large impact on the abuse of Parks during after hours. The boat launch study points very few accesses on the lake that could be used for boat launches. The study shows that fish habitat and the riparian foreshore is too important to be disturbed by boat accesses, as required by DFO. Rose Clifford Park is looking at some way of making parts of the park more attractive and asked the Parks maintenance contractor for some ideas.   The Hilina/Scotch Creek trail (above Scotch Creek) needs some bob cat or backhoe work to make the parking area more accessible. There is no money in the parks function to do this so there is a need for volunteers to help. Contact me if you have machinery and would be willing to volunteer it. Discussion of the Lee Creek Bluff trail and at what point could work be started on making it a trail. Naming the presently unnamed Hilina/Scotch Creek trail above Scotch Creek was talked about with a proposal for a name, to go to the Board.   

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