Monday, April 18, 2011

this week

Good Morning
            Sorry for the lapse in info, the weather is cool if not cold- snow and rain mix coming down. 
Yesterday was clean up day at the North Shuswap Community Hall; a good turn-out lots of woody debris and garbage cleaned up. Excellent group of people to work with; even in a hail/snow storm!  Burgers and refreshments offered after and a Great job done!
                Today there is the Advisory Planning Committee (APC) at the same Celista Hall. They will  be dealing with an application for a campground in Magna Bay and the Dock & Buoy Bylaw (called the Lake bylaw). The agenda for this Thursday has; an application for 2 properties for an exclusion to the flood plain allowance; it is west of Camp Grafton(two long skinny properties).   Waiver of application fees for DVPs and an ALR application for exclusion out of the ALR.  Directors renumeration for the meetings they attend will also be on the floor.
                The Annual General Meeting of the North Shuswap Community Association will also be held there at 7 pm.  

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