Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do we need First Responders on the North Shuswap

The First Responder Awareness Week started off today at 11 am at St David’s Church with a blessing and lunch. Later in the day the opening for the Celebration of First Responders started. Scotch Creek VFD were there to  show their support and appreciation. The First Responders   started 17 years ago I was reminded that too had joined at that time. The need for their services in the North Shuswap is of the upmost importance not only do they save lives, reduce pain but they give security in knowing that there is someone who cares;  not only cares but is able to do something in a professional manner. Their manner is jovial and they are always joking or poking each other with jibs but when it comes to a serious medical situation it is all business and compassion. Make sure about it the First Responders are on of our most valued services offered for the community by the community. 
                First Responders is a unique response team. Other local areas who have ambulance and Fire Fighters responding to most of the medical emergencies; are also called First responders. When OUR First Responders go to a scene they are the actual first responders; it is because there is no one else there and they are desperately needed.
                Show your support; thank them and if you can spare some time volunteer, it is an interesting and fun way to work with the community and save lives as well as comfort people.
                April 11th 10-2pm they will be at Mylo’s in Scotch creek
                April 12th 8 am at the School
                April 13th 11- 2pm Super Valu (meat and greet)
                April 14th  2- 6pm Super Valu (more meet and greet)
                April 15th Coffee house Recognition 7 PM
                April 16th 6 PM the Grand Finale…. Get tickets to attend at Creek side…

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