Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Locals hard on Indian Band land

A meeting with the Little Shuswap Indian Band (LSIB)to work together on solving issues and problems. One of the main concerns of the band is the abuse and disrespect people have to their lands; especially in Scotch Creek. Reserve land is similar to private property, and though people tend disregard private land there seems to be less respect for First Nation land. They have found when they politely approach trespassers that the interlopers, get indignant when told to get off their property. People have been found to hunt on their lands, even putting up a hunting blind! , I have witness the vehicle traffic going across creeks and digging up prime fish habitat. It is frustrating for the LSIB because they  do not have funds or the people to police their lands better.  It is to every ones’ benefit if we work together , the first step in doing that is respect each other.  It is embarrassing to be told of the ignorance and the contempt shown to the native Indian lands; these indignities from the people a represent (some of them anyways). PLEASE do not trespass on Band land and have respect for our good neighbours.
                Other things we discussed was improving the services that the CSRD supplies to the LSIB.  The band pays for 911 service, recycling, solid waste, milfoil, busing and Parks to name a few services.  We have had a pretty good working relationship with the LSIB and hope to continue and improve it.

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