Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting a Doctor and....getting less of a Doc

                At the appreciation for the First Responders kick off day, I met the new doctor that WAS               at our clinic. Janet and her husband Ken are building a new place in Scotch Creek, Ken works at the Chase clinic and Janet wanted to work part time at the Scotch Creek clinic. Both are very relaxed  and melded in to the conversations and people at Friends.  I see this people as a great addition to our community and they play music!!!!
                My comprehension  of the situation is that; Janet is being brought back to the Chase clinic and will be leaving the Scotch Creek medical clinic. What I understand this is a temporary situation because of the doctor shortage in Chase. There are a large amount of people in the Chase area that need looking after and IHA is bound to care for people in all of the surrounding area. Scotch Creek would be getting special treatment; there needs to be a balance with giving all the people care rather than a specific area (like Scotch Creek). The situation will likely change as Chase gets its full complement of doctors starting in July.  
                In the mean time we will have Janet the nurse there on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (phone ahead).  The Nurse Practioner would still come once a week. As well we the Doctor, IHA and myself will try coming up with a solution, it is likely we will be coming back to the community to help us find solutions.

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