Looking and the whole area of the Thompson Okanagan as to somehow improve the attraction of people the area as a shared experience with the rest of the world. The word Tourism should maybe not used these days; as it indicates a person who only tours by, a person that does not invest their time or personality into the community. This is a radical change from what operators and businesses attitude towards people coming to share our area or space. It is about sharing and yes there is a financial reward for some but I would suggest that having people from other areas has a less tangible reward. This reward is the appreciation of the beauty & nature of the area and the exchange of information to each other. The people at the Marketing Workshop cane from all walks of businesses and interests; golf courses, B&B, craftsmen, motels, politicians, First Nations, Donkey rescue service and grape vine yards and many, many more interests.
Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) offers to clients to pick something that would show a package that would best show area. There are many different layers of marketing Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA) is a regional marketer and Shuswap Tourism is a community marketer and then Golf tours are anther marketer. The workshop was to interest people and businesses to consider how they could work together to bring people to the area. The type of visitors that are becoming more prevalent are those that want the experience; of the area, the people and the stories of both; they want to be part of that story too. In being part of our story they entice us into being part of that story and we all benefit beyond the exchange of barter. These people are called “experiential travelers” and are becoming the fastest growing part of the traveling community. They want to be part of the community for the time they are here, they do not want to just tour through, they want to experience the many different highlights of an area.
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