The Board gave first and second reading to a proposed Scotch Creek /Lee Creek Zoning amendment for regulations in regard to; motels, tourist cabins and camping spaces in the Commercial 1 zone. The proposed amendment will add regulation regarding the density of motel units, tourist cabins and camping spaces in relation to the level of services available to the sites. The proposed amendment will also add definitions for the words seasonal and temporary, and amend the definitions for Community Sewer system and Community Water System. This will be coming to the APC for discussion and eventually to the public for input.
Other Things
The Mason Jar a Deli eating place in the Sunnyside Supermarket, in Celista a great place to eat (at least my chicken soup was best I have tasted for some time…Sorry Mom!) Nice seating, excellent service a good variety of good food. Try it.
Citizens on Patrol (COP) had a less than stellar turnout to the Volunteer meeting (6 volunteers). Never the less they will proceed with the hope that more people will help out.