Saturday, April 30, 2011

Scotch lee Creek zoning amendment

The Board gave first and second reading to a proposed Scotch Creek /Lee Creek Zoning amendment  for  regulations in regard to; motels, tourist cabins and camping spaces in the Commercial 1 zone.  The proposed amendment will add regulation regarding the density of motel units, tourist cabins and camping spaces  in relation to the level of services available to the sites. The proposed amendment will  also add  definitions for the words seasonal and temporary, and amend the definitions for Community Sewer system and Community Water System. This will be coming to the APC for discussion and eventually to the public for input.
Other Things
The Mason Jar a Deli eating place in the Sunnyside Supermarket, in Celista a great place to eat (at least my chicken soup was best I have tasted for some time…Sorry Mom!) Nice seating, excellent service a good variety of good food. Try it.
Citizens on Patrol (COP) had a less than stellar turnout to the Volunteer meeting (6 volunteers). Never the less they will proceed with the hope that more people will help out.

Friday, April 29, 2011

APC & Slipp

A SLIPP meeting was held to discuss the outline of the commitment of the different bodies involved. As well the SLIPP Education, regulatory and education/compliance/enforcement for coordinated activities for 2011 were touched upon.   
The April Advisory Planning Counsel passed a motion unanimously for support for a Campsite in the Magna Bay area. The proposal is for 50 campsites, as well as a store and gas station. The next item was the Docks & Buoys issues under the Lake Subdivision; the largest concern was the need for a 1.5 meter space between the docks bottom and the lake bottom. There were other points as well and the motion to not support the Dock & Buoy Bylaw was passed by the APC with one not in favour.  

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Election time coming

Changes to how the election of Local Government officials are done; as to the manner that candidates appear on the ballot as well as how the dates are set, was passed. The dates for 2011 Regional District elections will be; on October 4th nominations begins and on October 14th nominations ends, November 9th   will have advance voting and finally November 19th  there will be the General Voting day(this happens on the third Saturday in November of every 3rd year). The cost for the election is suspected to be $23,000. If anyone is thinking of running you can contact the Regional District to what it entails for the position.  As well you can ask me.    

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Board Meeting April 2011- ll

A presentation from the Okanagan library gave some updates, such as a; new web site, the increases in usages of the “Feature Film Collection”, “Library to Go” (down loading books on to your computer) and the 75th anniversary of the Library this year. Some stats on how people are using the library; North Shuswap had 10,896 visits that were down 6.6%. South Shuswap on the other hand had 33,854 visits and circulation up 16.9%. Wireless use in the North Shuswap was 3,067 hits and South Shuswap 1,968. It was suggested this was from the use of the transit tourists in the North Shuswap verse the more staid South Shuswap folks. The funding that the library draws its support from is; ½ money is derived from a formula that is based on land values and ½ based on population. The Okanagan Regional Library operates at 20% below the provincial average.
Summer Stomp in ALR reserve and need their support in properties along the Salmon River Road. In Salmon Arm the ALR land was not to be allowed to be use (for Sturgis North) because it was a field in use for agricultural and the impact of the event would destroy the crop. These properties in Salmon River do not have any recent agricultural uses. The North Shuswap might as well have a similar use with the Sturgis North use at some time. The current zoning in the North Shuswap would support this kind of use. The new proposed “Special Events” by law would put restrictions on new events in the North Shuswap.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April Board Meeting 1

CSRD BOARDA meeting April 21st
A feasibility study will be done, to see if the Jackson School site is viable for CSRD building site. There will be a comparison to the present building that the CSRD is presently being housed in and its potential cost of being restructured to fit the present and growing needs of the Regional District. The information gathered will give us an idea which the most economical and efficient way to go. Much of the problem is the cost is formidable, that along with the tax structure changing with Electoral Areas paying their fair share of CSRD costs versus what municipalities used to pay.
A re-look at director remuneration was requested because of the frequency of new meetings that directors attend, have been increasing. These meetings are not on the CSRD list of typical meetings that were attended to in the past.   An updated list was offered and a request to what direction the Board wants to go with these types of meetings that Board members go to; how they should be remunerated and what is the criteria will be used to reimburse directors to go to these meetings.
Changes to how the election of Local Government officials are done; as to the manner that candidates appear on the ballot as well as how the dates are set, was passed. The dates for 2011 Regional District elections will be; on October 4th nominations begins and on October 14th nominations ends, November 9th   will have advance voting and finally November 19th  there will be the General Voting day(this happens on the third Saturday in November of every 3rd year). The cost for the election is suspected to be $23,000. If anyone is thinking of running you can contact the Regional District to what it entrails for the position.  As well you can ask me.    

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Clean UP at Celista Hall

April OCP

The April APC  passed a motion unanimously for a Campsite in the Magna Bay area. The proposal is for 50 campsites, as well as a store and gas station. The next item was the Docks & Buoys issues under the Lake Subdivision; the largest concern was the need for a 1.5 meter space between the docks bottom and the lake bottom. There were other points as well and the motion to not support the Dock & Buoy Bylaw was  passed by the APC with one not in favour. 
As well they supported about $10,000 going towards the North Shuswap Community Association       for work on the hall and swimming buoys. Discussion also about Citizens On Patrol and a new crime gang in the area.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Locals hard on Indian Band land

A meeting with the Little Shuswap Indian Band (LSIB)to work together on solving issues and problems. One of the main concerns of the band is the abuse and disrespect people have to their lands; especially in Scotch Creek. Reserve land is similar to private property, and though people tend disregard private land there seems to be less respect for First Nation land. They have found when they politely approach trespassers that the interlopers, get indignant when told to get off their property. People have been found to hunt on their lands, even putting up a hunting blind! , I have witness the vehicle traffic going across creeks and digging up prime fish habitat. It is frustrating for the LSIB because they  do not have funds or the people to police their lands better.  It is to every ones’ benefit if we work together , the first step in doing that is respect each other.  It is embarrassing to be told of the ignorance and the contempt shown to the native Indian lands; these indignities from the people a represent (some of them anyways). PLEASE do not trespass on Band land and have respect for our good neighbours.
                Other things we discussed was improving the services that the CSRD supplies to the LSIB.  The band pays for 911 service, recycling, solid waste, milfoil, busing and Parks to name a few services.  We have had a pretty good working relationship with the LSIB and hope to continue and improve it.