Monday, May 2, 2011


and now the weather is warming other problems occur.
        The snowpack was looking good through February / March, but in the last month, with the cooler temperatures and precipitation, the snow accumulation has now crept above average.  The amount of build up has not reached the historical maximum, but the problem now is that the snow is not melting.

Normally by this time of year, the melt has begun in earnest  – so the coming weeks will see this increased snow pack potentially melting in a compressed time period if the warm weather besets the area quickly, which translates possibly to greatly increased water and debris flows down the channels and drainages. 
 Normally by now the snowpack would be decreasing.

MoTI is gearing up to this possibility of increased flows in creeks and culverts.

The Celista Mountain Snow Pillow is measuring snowpack flowing into the Seymour River.

The Park Mountain Snow Pillow is measuring snowpack flowing into the Shuswap River.

We are anticipating the time frame for any problems to be mid May to mid June,

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