The new Physicians, myself and staff from IHA met to discuss creating a sustainable system to retain Doctors in the region. Of course my main interest was to have a Doctor work at the Scotch Creek Clinic. There was a lot of common ground between us, I think what the IHA people wanted to hear was “ do the people in the North Shuswap really want a clinic and would they be willing to put something towards helping sustain a medical clinic”. I felt ; and told them that we cherish our clinic and would want to support and keep it in any form possible….with a Physician. There is still some negotiating and discussing as how we can make this work but the good news is that we are all working towards the same goals and that is to keep Doctors in the area. All we can do is keep the dialogue between IHA, the Physicians and the community open and work together. If we do get a clinic Doctor in Scotch Creek and we want to keep them(or attract more); we as a community may have to come up with some sort of support for the clinic. Are we willing to do this as a community?
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