Friday, May 13, 2011

ShsuwapEmergency Planning (SEP)

               Presently there is greater than 40% chance we going to be colder but with normal precipitation.Slow snow melt could be followed by a wet season. The snow pack has reached normal in most areas and 140% higher than normal for this time of the year in the Shuswap water shed.…Falkland land is starting to flood, which apparently is not out of the ordinary. As all predictions they tend to be more accurate after they have happened. Looking at the way the last 10 years of snow accumulation and melt has happened this year is an anomaly and IF the melt happen quickly there will be record flooding potential. IF it stays cool and melts slowly hmmmmm it will be okay.
                Flooding is a Provincial problem the SEP does not respond to  the flooding; they will supply sandbags and who you can contact now for sand. SEP does not do any infrastructure saving or any moving of materials. SEP will help people when they are evacuated and will get them to a reception are to give them assistance that way if a emergency situation is declared.

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