Sunday, May 8, 2011

Preventing Forest Fires

Cleaning up the Bio Mass; more information about reducing the fire forest fuel load in the rural areas was brought to the Board. With the mass of material dying in around BC some areas have taken to cleaning it up and either using it to heat commercial businesses or packaging it and selling it. There are 4 Indian bands producing pellets and selling it to Korea. In Cranbrook and Kimberley they are looking at a t boiler (KOB-manufactured in Enderby), the stuff heats a hospital, creates; no smoke, no smell even if you stand right beside it. The bio mass industry is being used in other areas; it is ground in Princeton, packaged in Vancouver and shipped from Port Melon. Soon; in Enderby it will heat 14 buildings from one common boiler. There is private possibility for investors to make money with using bio fuel and in turn clean up the fire threat to residents in BC.

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