Saturday, September 24, 2011

other things

Other things:
I received a call asking that the CSRD and Park maintenance person be told that they give; a huge thanks to the person who maintains the CSRD Parks. Does a wonderful job of keeping them clean and maintained.
My phone was down for 10 days so if you tried phoning me I did not move out of the area and my phone works now!
I was invited to a meeting about “Healthy Forests and Healthy Communities”. I went because though our areas’ economy is not as heavily dependent as it was once was on wood production it could be improved to what it is now. The discussion was about what do communities need from forestry, what are the obstacles, how can we solve these problems and how do we get the public involved and informed about forestry. There has been little dialogue about forestry issues for quite a while, with the downturn in forestry business there is little said about it. There is lot of information out there but little to the common person, this with a land base of 90% of the community. Why this discussion? There needs to be a vision of what a the forestry can offer to the community. How can both the forestry business and community work together to create sustainability. There were a few things that came out of this that are valuable for all of us to consider when thinking about forests. Forest production includes the use of all things not just extraction of wood and value added materials. It would include experiences in those woods, other uses; mushrooms, berries, First Nation uses and of course the safety of the environment. It was a good discussion in bringing out the many points about forestry, many of them had little to do with wood production, as much as preservation and other uses.
Concerns about the new trail being built in Scotch Creek and the negative impacts from the pedestrians, snow and the effect on their ability to access the main road.

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