Purchase of Firefighting apparatus’s was okayed; with 2 purchases of mini-pumpers for Anglemont and Celista VFD. The cost will be $198,846 plus taxes per truck. Fort Garry Trucks (the trucks are Canadian built in Manitoba) will be constructing these pumpers. There were 4 bidders, with prices ranging from $209,985 to $192,215 however, the Fort Garry bid was $196,846 which is not the lowest bid but the lowest did not include all the extra options that Fort Garry did. The total purchases for all the other CSRD apparatus’s (six in total)has seen savings of $330,000 in total because of group purchasing.
There were two MPS (both Conservative) from the CSRD area that spoke to their work for the area. MP for the Kooteney Columbia is David Wilkes. Colin Mayes; from the Shuswap Okanagan talked about the highways in the Okanagan Shuswap, RCMP and New Horizons program (for helping seniors). I asked about the lack of support from DFO on developments on the lake. He suggested that the CSRD staff has not made applications to the DFO that he knew of, in the future if there is a problem, that we go through the CSRD’s –CAO to bring it to his attention. I mentioned as well that I understood that DFO was understaffed. The MP said there are always problems in government departments with staffing(if you ask staff), with rarely a case where they feel they are not underfunded or understaffed.
Leah Blain has been contracted to help the CSRD communicate better. Communication with the public is one of the things that the Board has been trying to improve. Leah used to work for the local Salmon Arm radio station and free-lanced for all the Shuswap papers. She is very excited with her new position and promises to do a very good job of keeping the masses informed.
Complaints this month:
Highway issues are not part of what I do but I do try to help as I recognize it is frustrating for residents when dealing with MoIT, when they do not get responses or do not know who to call. I noticed potholes have been well patched from Squilax to Celista. The paved edges along some of the road have a drop off, making it easy for a tire to get caught in and the vehicle pulled into the ditch. Complaints I get are beyond Celista, were attention seems to deteriorate and in Anglemont it is far worse, with many large pot holes and parts of the road dug away and not properly replaced.
Vehicles and boat trailers parking up Stevens Road in front of the Magna Bay Wharf Park access have been forcing people to park in the middle of the road and walk over the boat trailers to get their mail. It is illegal for people to park vehicles in these areas and now has created a dangerous situation. The park, as I understood it, was only to be used to drop off boats and remove the trailers to where they came from. The CSRD parks cannot afford to supply parking area for trailers and the vehicles attached. I have been in contact with MoTI to find a solution such as “No Parking” signs or enforcement of the existing rules (as I understand them) and have the trailers towed away. Solutions for both of these problems would be for those effected to contact MoTI. To date there has been no resolution to the problem.
Some people are still trying to understand how the Buoys Bylaw works and are upset with the way some have been grandfathered in.
Dogs pooping on the beach and the owners not cleaning up after themselves… I mean the owners not cleaning up after the dogs, although I’m sure it could work the other way. There is a difficulty in addressing this problem. We do not have the manpower to do this. The best way is to remind people to be more respectful of the land and other people.
A seasonal rental property in a residential area where seasonal rental is not allowed has been impacting the neighbourhood by the customers in that home. These concerns came from the building having as much as 20 people, staying there changing to a new group every so often.
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