Friday, November 4, 2011

All Canidates meeting

    Last night I came to a packed house !!! for the North Shuswap all candidates meeting; people really care! This is really good. Recalling my first all candidates meeting, there were only about 20 people then . It was mentioned that the turnout is because people are much better informed now than they were, or because the Osprey Landing debate has raised a level of input. Either way it is a breath of fresh air. People were polite and the candidates respectful of each other. Due to the complexity of the issues, thoughtful questions could not all be answered in depth. .
     From what I could gather, any one of them would be good Directors; I think they all have a level of interest in the community. The most impresive speaker was Terry White who has had little exposure in the community, it was nice to hear him. David Baxter was relaxed and spoke very well with short speeches (always appreciated by the public). Larry Morgan was not a polished public speaker, however he did get his good ideas across when not reading from his prepared papers.
     For a variety of reasons I feel Larry would best represent the North Shuswap residents and carry out the job most effectively.

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