Friday, October 7, 2011

Electoral Directors meeting 1 Oct

The purchase of 2-3 mobile sprinkler protection units has supported for purchase has bee suggested for the homes in interface areas of the CSRD (all of the North Shuswap). To date; research for grants that would help to offset or pay for these systems have not been found. Our Gas tax money does not qualify for the sprinklers. Money will be considered to be taken out of the 2012 budget to purchase sprinkler systems

Fire Services review for VFD in the CSRD had many suggestion this one was about; proficiency criteria and honorarium. The Firefighters(FF) are no longer considered volunteer strictly but have been now called “ paid on call Firefighters”. Part of the reason for this is the expectations that insurance companies and the liabilities that are occurring more and more against VFD and the local governments that support them. In order to have FF reach the high expectations put upon them; there has to be training and if the FF are going to invest their time in getting highly trained and fighting fires accordingly, they have to be paid more. Pretty much all the FF from the Chief; to the on the ground FF will be seeing a increase of payment for their time and expenses. An example is;FF would be going from nothing(in some cases) or the average about $12.00 per hour to $18.00 per hour, pro-rated over the next three years and the amount of training they received. The increases for the North Shuswap Fire departments will be minimal.

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