Friday, July 15, 2011

EAD meetng Dacks and Buays

Staff discussion about “Lake Zoning Bylaw” (LZB) met with APCs, Shuswap Water Front Association, strata groups and some individuals. Other agencies, as well had input throughout the remaking of the LZB . APCs had the most comments; there was general support from “E” Area, Area “C” twice wanted more time to go over the bylaw and recommend that swimming platform be included in the LZB. Area “F” APC; not support the LZB because of the 1.5 depth expected from the lake side of a dock. It was the single largest complaint from many dock owners; which is frankly was not practical for many reasons.
Swimming platforms- allows semi water front parcels to have swimming platforms but no boats attached. Removal of the requirement of 1.5 meter width for commercial and multi-family zones to allow for heavy use and wheel chair access. Change the number from 3 to 2 buoys for those allowed to have buoys. Allow fuel sales for a specific existing use in Celista but no others in Celista. The 1.5 depth rule: DFO explained the rational, in that it is looking after the well being of the fish. DFO recognized that there was a need to compromise because of the reaction from the lakeshore community. What could work (in the mind of the CSRD staff) is to have the measurement at the far end of dock- in the water. This would work because dock owners have to have the docks deep enough to have boats approach, without damaging the prop in the beach . The DFO still sticks to their principal rule to not having the dock end nearest to the beach at 1.5 meters. They would not relax their own restrictions but understand why local government has to have to accept that bylaw, to make it workable. The CSRD would not enforce the regulations of the 1.5 near the shore but will have it measured, from the furthest part of the dock into the lake. Removing walkways from the calculations in dock sizes ( DFO does not oppose it this change), ILMB understood that the walkways would not be included in the dock size. What this changes do is move Zone FS zone to FR.

The staff will be sending a letter out to every resident within 200 meters of the lake; of the proposed changes. On informing the residents of the changes; one idea staff had, was to schedule a public hearing and prior to that day have an open house. Using that approach would be to have people informed about the changes; as well it would give residents a better understanding of the reasons of the bylaws.
Bringing in the new bylaw would mean as well repealing other bylaws that are being affected.
The recognition of boat slips being allowed in site specific areas and are what the existing uses are, presently. It does not mean that a precedent is set, or that other areas can use that same information to give credit to their applications for a boat slip.

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